Kept In Stitches

Kept In Stitches

Friday, April 15, 2011

Still New To This

Had a great time yesterday with the 4 Ever Friends Quilter's meeting here for our usual Thursday of quilting and fun.  We sure are missing you Sue and can't wait for you to get back from your winter in AZ!  Had a full room yesterday as a couple of other friends have been joining us playing catch up on their BOW's from when we get together Monday afternoons at the local Senior Center.  I can tell you that five women working in my quilting studio at one time is the max that it can hold!  We do tend to get a little "hip action" thrown in from time to time as there can be some close encounters getting to and from the cutting and pressing stations.  Keep in mind that my Tin Lizzie longarm is also located in this room along with four other stations set up for sewing machines, two pressing stations, and my long cutting area.  (I won't tell who sews in the closet LOL)  I promise to post pictures of my quilting studio when I am up and used to this blogging bit.

Just a funny story of yesterday's happenings to share with you.....Everyone loves the lighting in my quilting studio and the large amount of it.  Anyway, first off the extra lamp at one of the ladies sewing stations blew the light bulb when I turned it on.  Knowing that I didn't have anymore 40 watt bulbs I joked that she'd have to ask our resident "stud" (that story at another time) if he would make a trip to the store to purchase some.  She was a little shy about that so when he popped his head in later I asked and he went out to his store (actually his Amish built workshop) and brought in a bulb for us.  Well, after returning from our lunch break I turned the over head lights back on only to have another bulb burn out.  Thankfully this one required a 60 watt bulb of which I keep a supply already in my quilting studio so I get my ladder out and replace that bulb and on we go.  I had been working on a quilt on my longarm when the light attached to my Tin Lizzie blinked and at first I thought the power was going out (oh no) but the light just went out and so figured it was another bulb burnt out.  Since I had other lighting in the room and didn't need it right then I decided to continue without replacing that bulb at the moment.  Shortly after while humming along at a rapid pace on the longarm what drops out of nowhere but a lightbulb on the top of my quilt!  The bulb hadn't burned out afterall, but had vibrated loose and just fell out!  We all had a good laugh at that one.  How many of you have experienced a light bulb falling onto your quilt while deep in concentration machine quilting it?  Screwed it back in and continued on and finished the quilt on the longarm and was able to remove it for it's unveiling to the rest of the group before they left for the afternoon.  I'll post a picture of it here too as soon as I get the binding sewn on it.

Tomorrow I am off to Rosalie's Fabrics in Ludlow Falls for a hand piecing class that I will be taking all day long.  I'll try to remember to bring my camera so that I can share pictures of her shop and the experience with you.

Until then, enjoy whatever it is that makes you smile!

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